What is Propolis?

Propolis is a gummy resin mixture has a special fragrance that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources, and mixed with their own glands. It is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces and for keeping sterile in the hive.

3000 years ago Egyptians used it in the mummification process, and Greeks and Romans used it to treat skin lesions, Indian and Peruvian used it to cure tropical infectious diseases. Recent in-depth scientific studies were carried out in Brazil, USA, Japan, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand, and used it widely to cure and prevent many diseases. Propolis is the most natural antibiotic man has ever discovered. The World Health Organization has recognized Propolis as an important product for dietetics and natural cure too.

More than 300 kinds of natural substances have been identified in Propolis, the most important is Flavonoids, acids, alcohols, phenolic compounds, Vitamin B complex group, Vitamin A, C, E, P and trace elements. Recent research were carried out in Brazil, USA, Japan, Germany, had been fully confirmed that Propolis has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-oxidation, regulating blood pressure, regulating high blood sugar, inhibit tumor cells, promote tissue regeneration, improve microcirculation, regulate immunity properties.

The uniqueness of Brazilian propolis?

 There are many countries can produce propolis, but because of the difference of  geographical environment, natural ecology, plant growth conditions and bee species, the ingredients of propolis will be different. so the quality and effect of the propolis will have a big difference.

• Geographical environment

Brazil is located in eastern of South America, the area is 8.5 million square kilometers. Brazil has the world's largest jungle - the Amazon Rainforest, Amazon Rainforest which stretches thousands of miles, is the world's largest tropical rainforest and is well known as the "lungs of the Earth", the area is 50% of tropical rainforest of the earth. The total area of Amazon rainforest is 6.5 million square kilometers, and 74% (4.8 million square kilometers) of Amazon rainforest is located in the Brazilian territory, this area is bigger than Western Europe. Its crown of plant species in the world, there is a wealth of available plant sources for bees to collect the propolis, and the Brazilian longer summer is more suitable for plant growth, so the bees can collect better propolis than anywhere.

The Unique natural environment can provide the best source of propolis

• The Unique plant species

Brazilian propolis is mainly produced from eucalyptus, rosemary. The biggest difference between Brazilian propolis and the other propolis is that there are no poplar species plants in Brazil, so the chemical composition of Brazilian propolis is very different to the other propolis, this determines the uniqueness of its efficacy.

Unique plant species, determine the uniqueness of its efficacy

• Unique bee specie - Brazilian killer bees

In addition to the geographical environment, gum source plant, Brazil also has its own unique bee species. In 1956, the researchers from the University of Sao Paulo, introduced 35 units bees from Africa. these bees are ferocious violent, aggressive, and very toxic. The researchers wanted to transform them to be the prolific bee and to adapt the local living environment. But unfortunately 26 units bees was escaped. After the escaped African bees mated with the local Brazilian bees, A strong fertility, highly toxic hybrid bee - Brazilian killer bee was generated. The bees make the nest very early, and build many new hives; the amount of propolis which they collected is from ten times to several ten times than the other kind of bees. In the jungle, the climate is hot, the air is humidity, bacteria, pathogens most likely to breed, the bee will produce a stronger propolis to protect the hive, themselves and their larvae. In other words, the more harsh environment which the bee stay in, the more stronger propolis will be produced. The Brazilian bee is the only bee specie of the world which no necessary to put the antibiotic into their hive to maintain the healthy. The Unique bee specie is an important reason which Brazilian propolis has a specific efficacy.

The Brazilian bee is the only bee specie of the world which no necessary to put the antibiotic into their hive to maintain the healthy.

• The scientific collection and extraction process

In the mid-1990s, Japan, Taiwan and other countries and regions have set off the research of Brazilian propolis. This caused the Brazilian authorities attention, Several universities and other research institutes of Sao Paulo, Brazil, have increased the propolis research, and put more efforts in the development and utilization, and achieved remarkable results. The scientific research and investment of propolis from Brazilian Government, promoted the production technology of propolis. Since the early development of Brazilian propolis, combined with the attention and support of the Brazilian government, currently the Brazilian propolis extract processing technology is in the world leading level. The production of propolis exported to Japan, Taiwan, Canada, the United States and other countries. It is praised by customers because of its significant effect and reliable quality.

The scientific collection and extraction process

• What kind of Brazilian propolis is the best?

 There are two varieties Brazilian propolis, one is green propolis, the other is brown propolis. The brown propolis comes from Paraná, the southern state of Brazil, and from Amazon River area which is in the northern of Brazil. The raw propolis of these places is reddish brown, dark brown and tan, they are brown propolis. The green Propolis is the best, the raw propolis is yellowish green, only is produced in the Minas Gerais State, where is rich vegetation, the main trees are the eucalyptus trees and rosemary trees. Green Propolis is the unique propolis in the world, it contains a special component called Artepellin C, this ingredient is the main component of anticancer drugs, so the effect of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory of green propolis is the best.

The area of Minas Gerais State is rich vegetation and without pollution

The Brazilian green propolis

The magical effect of Brazilian propolis?

Brazilian propolis has a strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, immunity improvement and self-healing forces. In addition, experts from the relevant terms of human and animal experiments, point out that propolis has a significant effect on hepatitis, especially has a strong restoration force for long-term alcohol consumption caused by fatty liver and liver injury. Meanwhile, propolis can prevent colds, upper respiratory infection, and propolis has a very good effect on sore throat and stomatitis rapid inflammatory and healing. For decades, scientists from various countries propolis made experiments and clinical trials show that the magical effect of propolis mainly in the following aspects:

• Brazilian propolis can promote tissue regeneration, and promote healing of damaged tissue. Brazilian propolis is tissue regeneration accelerator.

• Brazilian propolis can assist in diabetes. Propolis can repair the damaged insulin B cells and improve the quality and function of insulin.

• Brazilian propolis has significant broad-spectrum antimicrobial effect, it can effectively kill the virus; able to help patients improve and strengthen the collective immunity.

• Brazilian propolis has strong anti-cancer effect. High concentrations of propolis can inhibit the tumor. The flavonoids, terpenoids, and polysaccharides in propolis can kill and inhibit the tumor.

• Brazilian propolis is rich in flavonoids, these flavonoids has a good effect on cardiovascular disease, can accelerate blood circulation. Brazilian propolis can soften blood vessels, lowering blood vessel fragility. Brazilian propolis can inhibit platelet aggregation and thrombosis. Brazilian propolis can lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, improve microcirculation, purify the blood, remove toxins from the body. Brazilian propolis is the vascular protector and micro-circulation improving agent.

• Brazilian propolis is a powerful free radical scavenger, can effectively eliminate free radicals, and strengthen cell activity, regulate organ and tissue function, prevent effectively the occurrence of many diseases.

• Brazilian propolis can strengthen the immune system, enhance immune cell activity, and regulate the body's specific and non-specific immune function.