Specification: Bottle with 100*300mg capsules

Ingredients: Green Propolis extracted and Propylene glycol, Vitamin E

Indications: Green Propolis is an excellent dietary supplement. Soft capsule is especially for those not suited to the strong flavor of Propolis. This product is especially improving the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood sugar and cancer significantly. It strengthens the immune system and helping it fight bacteria and viruses. It can help to cure cough, the vocal cord hoarse, rhinitis, general colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, pneumonia and other respiratory tract inflammation, ulcers, gastroenteritis, gynecological inflammation, male prostitutes.

Suggestion of use:

Adults: 2 to 6 capsules daily

Children: 1 to 2 capsules daily

Warning: Excessive dosage may cause acute gastro enterocolitis.



Specification: Bottle with 100*420mg capsules

Ingredients: Green Propolis extracted and Propylene glycol

Indications: Soft capsule is especially for those not suited to the strong flavor of Propolis. It strengthens the immune system and helping it fight bacteria and viruses. It can help to cure cough, the vocal cord hoarse, rhinitis, general colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, pneumonia and other respiratory tract inflammation, ulcers, gastroenteritis, gynecological inflammation, male prostatitis. This product can improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood sugar and cancer.

Suggestion of use:

Adults: 2 to 6 capsules daily

Children: 1 to 2 capsules daily

Warning: Excessive dosage may cause acute gastro enterocolitis



Specification: Flask containing 30ml with dropper

Ingredients: Green Propolis extracted and Propylene

Indications: This product is particularly suitable for who is allergic to alcohol, or who can’t take alcoholic products because prescribed by a doctor.

Using the excellent green propolis as raw material, with advanced production technology, this product is without of wax and kept the original ingredients of green propolis and medical properties. It strengthens the immune system and the resistance of bacteria and viruses, it can prevent many diseases. It can help to cure cough, the vocal cord hoarse, rhinitis, general colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, pneumonia and other respiratory tract inflammation, general inflammation, acute and chronic colitis, gangrene, vaginitis and other diseases. This product can improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, Leukemia and cancer. And can promote tissue healing, fight free radicals, anti-aging.

Suggestion of use:

Adults: 3 times daily, 20 to 30 drops per time, drop into water, milk or juice.

Children: 3 times daily, 5 to 10 drops per time, drop into water, milk or juice.

Warning: Excessive dosage may cause acute gastro enterocolitis



Specification: Flask containing 30ml with dropper

Ingredients: Green Propolis Extract, Alcohol

Indications: Alcohol is the most direct way to extract propolis, this product is made by the top green propolis, the super extraction technology and super long term can reach the maximum degree of saturation and get most of the active substance. The concentration of propolis contains high levels of flavonoids, phenols, and ARTEPILIN C. This product can eliminate variety of inflammation, and can prevent cancer and reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy. It can effectively reduce rheumatism, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol symptoms, gastritis, hepatitis, enteritis, rhinitis, asthma, prostatitis, gynecological inflammation has a good adjuvant therapy.

Suggestion of use:

Adults: 3 times daily, 20 to 30 drops per time, drop into water, milk or juice.

Children: 3 times daily, 5 to 10 drops per time, drop into water, milk or juice.

Warning: Excessive dosage may cause acute gastro enterocolitis



Specification: Flask containing 30ml with dropper

Ingredients: Green Propolis extracted and Propilenoglicol

Indications: This product is particularly suitable for who is allergic to alcohol, or who can’t take alcoholic products because prescribed by a doctor.

Using the excellent green propolis as raw material, with advanced production technology, this product is without of wax and kept the original ingredients of green propolis and medical properties. It strengthens the immune system and the resistance of bacteria and viruses, it can prevent many diseases. It can help to cure cough, the vocal cord hoarse, rhinitis, general colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, pneumonia and other respiratory tract inflammation, general inflammation, acute and chronic colitis, gangrene, vaginitis and other diseases. This product can improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, Leukemia and cancer. And can promote tissue healing, fight free radicals, anti-aging.

Suggestion of use:

Adults: 3 times daily, 20 to 30 drops per time, drop into water, milk or juice.

Children: 3 times daily, 5 to 10 drops per time, drop into water, milk or juice.

Warning: Excessive dosage may cause acute gastro enterocolitis



Specification: Flask containing 30ml with nozzle

Ingredients: Green Propolis Extract, Natural Honey, Deionized Water

Indications: This product can assist in the treatment of sore throat, cough, oral diseases such as gingivitis, mouth sores, and bad breath. It can also relieve colds and throat discomfort caused by smoking. The unique formula in addition to adjuvant therapy, but also be able to maintain a lasting fresh breath.

Suggestion of use:

Adults and Children: 3 to 6 times daily, spray into throat directly.



Specification: Flask containing 30ml with nozzle

Ingredients: Green Propolis Extract, Deionized Water, Peppermint, Xylitol.

Indications: Selecting excellent green propolis as raw materials, with the water-soluble technology, to hold the active ingredients and medical characteristics maximum. This product is special for children and people with diabetes. This product can assist in the treatment of sore throat, cough, oral diseases such as gingivitis, mouth sores, and bad breath. It can also relieve colds and throat discomfort caused by smoking. The unique formula in addition to adjuvant therapy, but also be able to maintain a lasting fresh breath.

Suggestion of use:

Adults and Children: 3 to 6 times daily, spray into throat directly.




Specification: 500ml

Indications: Brazil's original flower honey, produced in Minas, is amber in color and has a special floral fragrance. Unique taste, sweet and sour. It has the functions of clearing heat, nourishing, detoxifying and moisturizing honey.



 Brazilian green propolis is known for its beneficial effects on the human immune system, because it has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties that can enhance human immunity. The unique Artepellin-C in green propolis can inhibit cell proliferation and reorganize cell division, reducing the probability of tumor formation. OMEGA 3 has anti-tumor, anti-thrombotic, hypolipidemic, nutritional brain cells, and autonomic nerve regulation effects.

APIS GREEN golden capsules make full use of the advantages of Extra Green Brazil Green Propolis and OMEGA 3, effectively combining the two substances.

Taking APIS GREEN golden capsules daily, supplemented by a healthy diet and moderate exercise, can enhance the body's immunity and assist in the treatment of cancer tumors, high blood pressure (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high blood fat) and diabetes. Can enhance resistance to bacteria, viruses, cough, hoarseness of the vocal cords, rhinitis, common colds, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases, and ulcers, gastroenteritis, duodenum and other digestive tracts Inflammatory symptoms have adjuvant treatment.

* APIS GREEN golden capsules do not contain alcohol.

* APIS GREEN golden capsule raw material Extra Green green propolis comes from the southern state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, rich in Artepellin-C

Ingredients: Extra Green dry extract of green propolis, OMEGA 3 and propylene glycol

Specifications: 500 mg propolis extract per capsule, 60 capsules per bottle, 6 bottles per box.

Suggestion of use:

Disease Prevention: Take 1 capsule before breakfast and dinner.

Adjuvant therapy: Take 1 capsule each morning, night and evening.



Ingredients: Bee venom, pollen

Function:Bee venom contains an amino acid called Melitina. This amino acid stimulates the skin to improve skin elasticity, increase blood flow to the skin's surface layer, and increase the production of more collagen.

 Effection:The skin is smoother and more delicate, the face is younger and more radiant.

Suggestion of use: Put a thin layer to the skin area that needs maintenance every day, then rub for a few minutes until the skin is completely absorbed.

Warning: For customers with a history of allergies, it is recommended to test on the back of the hand first, if there is no allergic reaction, you can continue to use.

Specification: 30g/Bottle



This product is an active antioxidant with bactericidal and anti-toxic effects that can reduce acne and pimples. The high carotenoid content in this product can naturally restore skin's elasticity and smoothness, fight skin aging and prevent free radicals, and provide rich vitamin A. Honey can nourish the skin and play a role in skin rejuvenation.

Function: Deep moisturizing; significantly reduces skin spots; enhances skin softness; avoids dry skin; reduces acne and pimples.

Suggestion of use: Put a thin layer on the skin and rub it repeatedly to achieve deep absorption of the skin, which must be maintained for at least half an hour.

Specification: 30g/Bottle



It can effectively clean the skin, make the skin radiant and provide perfect skin nutrition.

The bactericidal effect of propolis ensures that your skin is free of microorganisms and can prevent wound infections.

Function: Skin rejuvenation and moisturizing (no need to use other moisturizing cream after use); deep skin sterilization; prevent acne and pimples

Suggestion of use: Put to the skin when bathing or washing your face, gently massage for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with water.

Specification: 100g/Piece

Product Type: Original Propolis Soap, Mint Propolis Soap, Orange Propolis Soap



Specification:  4g/capsule, 50 capsules/box

Indications: Brazil's original flower honey, produced in Minas, is amber in color and has a special floral fragrance. Unique taste, sweet and sour. It has the functions of clearing heat, nourishing, detoxifying and moisturizing honey.